Special and Superior Officers Benevolent Association Scholarships

The Special and Superior Officers Benevolent Association / Mae Pizzulli Scholarship Award is given in memory of Mae Pizzulli.

We wish to honor Mae's name and award two $1,000.00 scholarships yearly to give tribute to Mae's 30 years of service to this membership.

The Special and Superior Officers Benevolent Association / Joseph Sciascia Scholarship Award is given in memory of Joseph Sciascia.

We wish to honor Joseph's name and award two $1,000.00 scholarships yearly to give tribute to Joseph's years of service to this membership.

The Special and Superior Officers Benevolent Association Scholarship Awards are given in memory of Mae Pizzulli and Joseph Sciascia. We wish to honor Mae and Joseph's names and award four $1,000.00 scholarships yearly to give tribute to Mae and Joseph's combined years of service to this membership.


  1. Applicant must be a member in good standing of the Special and Superior Officers Benevolent Association or a child of a member in good standing.
  2. Applicant must have participated in either school activities, community service, helping other people in need, etc.
  3. Applicant must demonstrate consistent academic achievement.
  4. Applications must be submitted to the Special and Superior Officers Benevolent Association Union in a timely manner.
  5. The Scholarship committee of the Special and Superior Officers Benevolent Association / Mae Pizzulli Scholarship Award will select the recipients of this award which will be payable to the school or college of the award recipient's choice.
  6. Announcement of the scholarships will be made at a Delegate's meeting or membership meeting.

Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee will be chaired by President Ron Fedrizzi and the executive board, and made up of the 5 most senior delegates of each year the awards are selected.

Here is the 2016 Mae Pizzulli scholarship recipient, Ms. Chelsea Cole.

Ms. Chelsea Cole's mother Laverne Cole, Ms. Chelsea Cole, & Special and Superior Officers Benevolent Association President, Ron Fedrizzi

Special and Superior Officers Benevolent Association Executive Vice-President, Jennifer Farrugia, Ms. Chelsea Cole's mother Laverne Cole, Ms. Chelsea Cole, & Special and Superior Officers Benevolent Association President, Ron Fedrizzi